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Vladimir BIS #1 - Doug Gaudin_edited.jpg

Kandansk Staken Nosferatu

Height: 15"

DOB: May 9, 2019

CHIC # 173238 ​

Vladimir's Brags

Vladimir is the result of a long awaited and planned litter.  He is the only intact male offspring coming down from PCA WD 2011 - Am Can Ch Kandansk Storm Warning "Doppler".

He was co-bred with our good friend Stacy Gheseger of Staken Miniature Poodles, out of frozen sperm - resulting in 2 boys.  Right from day 1, Vladimir made his presence known.  At barely 6 months of age, Vladimir won BEST PUPPY IN SHOW under structure and movement icon Pat Trotter.  His following show, he repeated this honor by winning Group 2nd and BEST PUPPY IN SHOW under respected judge Kathleen Anderson-Wulff.  Thank you to both of these judges for their kind words about our young man.

Vladimir's Show record to date:


- #3 Miniature poodle in Canada

- #1 Miniature Poodle Puppy in Canada

- #1 Non Sporting Puppy in Canada

- #12 All-breeds Puppy in Canada


-#6 Miniature Poodle in Canada (shown 6 days)

- Achieved Grand Championship


- #2 Miniature Poodle in Canada

- #1 Breeder/Owner/Handled Miniature Poodle in Canada

- RESERVE BEST IN SHOW - June 2022 under Mr. Wayne Thompson.

- Achieved Grand Championship Bronze

- 2 qualifying runs in Novice Sprinters

- BEST IN SHOW - Sept 2022 under Mr. Douglas Gaudin

-RESERVE BEST IN SHOW - Sept 2022 under Mr. Michael Lanctot

(shown only 9 weekends in 2022)


- # 3 Miniature Poodle in Canada

- #1 Breeder/Owner/Handled Miniature Poodle in Canada

- GchS: Grand Championship SILVER 

- CGN: Canine Good Neighbor Title (June)

- NS: Novice Sprinters (June)

- S: Sprinters (August)

- VN: Versatility Novice (Sept)

- RN: Rally Obedience Novice (Nov)

- RI: Rally Obedience Intermediate (Nov)

- GCHEX: Grand Champion Excellent (Nov)


- Best of Variety at the Puget Sound Poodle Specialty under Jimmy Moses.

- CD: Companion Dog (March)

- TP: Top Producer

- AS: Advanced Sprinter (June)

Vladimir has 2 Grand Champion offspring, 6 Champion offspring (one of which is a Multiple BEST PUPPY IN SHOW WINNER) and an additional 1 on 6 points,  and 1 on 2 points.

Two new litters born, sired by Vladimir; to Lezerin Miniature Poodles (4) and Topiary Miniature Poodles (6).  Congratulations to these breeders on their wonderful additions.  

Vladimir Pictures

Vladimir's Offspring

Here are some of the puppies that Vladimir has produced.   Thank you to all of the owner's who have welcomed these puppies into their homes, as well as the breeders who have seen his value in adding him into their breeding programs.

1. Can Ch Kandansk The Force of Nature NS aka Jade (see her page under girls) - out of Quinn

2. Can Ch Kandansk Giddy Up aka Jock - out of Quinn

3. Can Gch Kandansk Infatuation aka Mia (See her page under girls) - out of Rebel

4. Can Gch Kandansk Danger Zone CGN PCD ATD RN AS RATN HTs VN  aka Maverick - out of Rebel

5. MBPIS Can Ch. Kandansk Coming to Get You aka Rambo (See him under boys) - Out of Vanessa

6. Can Ch. Kandansk Fair Flame aka Effie - Out of Rebel

7. Can Ch. Lezerin's The Twilight Hour aka Alice - Bred by Leslie Jacobs 

8. Can Ch. Kandansk Darkstar at Attradea aka Goose - out of Rebel

9. Kandansk Wolfman aka Wolfram (6 points) - out of Rebel

10. Lezerin's Amped to Ten aka Ten (2 points) - Bred by Leslie Jacobs

11. Lezerin Stay in your Lane aka Greta - Bred by Leslie Jacobs

12. Topiary Master of the Game at Benverde - bred by Peggy Clarke & co-owned by Karen Bentley

13. Topiary Buster Brown - bred by Peggy Clarke

14. Topiary Daring Dejavu - Bred by Peggy Clarke

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