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Dog Sports

Many of our poodles are involved in and enjoy doing dog sports.  This helps to keep their minds busy and focused on a job.  Poodles thrive on having a job and LOVE to please their owners.

Below are a few Kandansk Poodles doing what they love.

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aka "Jack"

Jack started out as our keeper puppy from his litter....but he just wouldn't stop growing and ended up oversize.  However at 16.25" Jack is the perfect size for performance, and what was our loss, became Marie's gain.  Together, Jack and Marie have had some wonderful results in the Agility field.

Here are some of Jack's titles to date:

Canadian Kennel Club titles (CKC)

2021 AGN: Agility Novice

2021AGNJ: Agility Novice Jumpers

2021 JT: Jumpers and Tunnels

2022 AGI: Agility Intermediate

2022 AGXJ: Agility Excellence Jumpers

2022 NP: Novice Points and Distance

2022 JT: Jumpers and Tunnels

Agility Association of Canada (AAC)

2021 AADC: Advanced Agility Dog of Canada

2021 SGDC: Starters Game Dog of Canada

2021 MSDC: Masters Snooker Dog of Canada

2022 AGDC: Advanced Game Dog of Canada

2022 MADC: Master Agility Dog of Canada

2022 MTRDC: Masters Team Relay Dog of Canada

2022 ExJB: Expert Jumpers Bronze

2022 ExSB:  Expert  Snooker Bronze

2021 - Jack tied for #9 Miniature poodle in Canada for all Non-Sporting dogs in the CKC system!!!  This was in only 2 weekends of trials and 6 runs total!!!

2022 AB/NWT AAC Regional Championships

Individual top 10 placements:

- Placed 8th in Jumpers 1

- Placed 9th in Standard 2Overall placement: 15 out of 24 dogs in the 16” Regular category

2022 AAC National Championships

Individual top 10 placements:

- Placed 7th in Standard 1

- Placed 6th in Standard 2

Overall placement: 14 out of 31 dogs in the 16” Regular category.

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Kandansk Emerging Artist PCD, RA, HIC (ducks) CAX2, SX2, CRNT, CRA, RATI, RATO, TL-1, TKA, DOT-W, SD-S, VCX

aka "JEM"

Jem and her Owner Krista keep busy with a variety of dog sports and have acquired many titles along the way.  Krista has since gotten the "hair" bug and is a wonderful foster home for Jade.  Check her out under the females drop down.  Thank you Krista, for being such a wonderful member of the Kandansk family!

Here is a breakdown of Jem's titles:

PCD: Pre-companion dog

RA: Rally Advanced

HIC: Herding Instinct Certified on Ducks

CAX2: Case Ability Excellent

SX2: Sprinters Excellent

CRNT: Caro Rally Novice Team

CRA: Caro Rally Advance

RATI: Barn Hunt Instinct

RATO: Barn Hunt Open

TL-1: Trial & Locate level 1

TKA: Advanced Trick dog

DOT-W: Detect odor test - Wintergreen

SD-S: Nose work - starter level.

VCX: Versatility Excellent from Versatility in poodles.

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Staken Kandansk Rio de Janeiro ATD
aka Rio

Co-bred with Stacy Gheseger of Staken Minuiature Poodles, and littermate to Vladimir (under Males), Rio is lovingly owned and trained by Amanda Beaubier of Saskatoon, Sask. 

Initially Amanda and Rio dabbled in the conformation ring, beating his litter brother Vladimir for a BEST PUPPY IN GROUP.  However Amanda's true passion was performance and Rio was retired from conformation to focus on dog Sports.

Rio has is Novice, intermediate and ADVANCED trick dog titles and currently training to trial in Rally Obedience.  Their goal is to start trialing in Rally in 2023.

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Can Gch. Kandansk The Conjuring CGN CGC TKA FDC ICN VCX ETD RATN HIC

aka "Ouija"

Ouija and Isabelle have accomplished a lot both in conformation and performance.  Isabelle completed Ouija's GCH title completely in the Historically Correct Continental, which to our knowledge is a first in Canada!  Ouija is also Isabelle's foundation of her kennel Esprit Standard Poodles.  Ouija is a the Dam of Kaudler (under Standards) as well as the dam of countless pet therapy and performance offspring.  She currently has 2 champion offspring in Kaulder and his litter sister Danny.  Congratulation Isabelle on your first Breeder, owner handler champion!

Here are a break down of all of Ouija's titles:

Gch: Canadian Grand Champion

CGN: Canine Good Neighbour

CGC: Canine Good Citizen

TKA: Advanced Trick dog (AKC)

FDC: Farm dog Certificate

RN: Rally Novice

ICN: International Canine Ninja (Novice Parkour title)

VCX: Versatility Excellence Title

ETD: Expert Trick dog (CKC)

RATN: Barnhunt Novice

HIC: Herding Instinct Certified

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